Text 817-484-1106 or 940-301-0650 and/or email me: marielynnofdfw@protonmail.ch Snapchat: dfwmilf X (Twitter): dfwcompanion

Feel free to add me on the below social sites:
As a highly recommended VIP Companion, I am booked months in advance. I do prefer prebooked appointments and scheduled dinner dates. In order to have the opportunity to meet me, please email me at: marielynnofdfw@protonmail.ch OR Text me at 817-484-1106 or 940-301-0650.
Be sure to leave your CONTACT information, your proposed date & times, meeting duration, and a thorough introduction of who you are (age, ethnicity, profession, general interests, where you initially found me is most helpful). Providing full info on first contact to me will expedite my response to you. I will NOT answer calls as I lead a very busy life and have a professional career.
I do see newbies, however I am quite selective about whom I choose to spend time with. A polite introduction tells me a lot about yourself and your discreet thoughts of why you think we are compatible will definitely get you far with me. Doesn’t everyone like wonderful first impressions? 🙂 Smile!
As a previous regular client, simply email or text me with all details in ONE message/email. I appreciate thoroughness – sweet and simple.
If you are an experienced client who I have not yet seen, please provide 2-3 provider references with their contact info and something they’ll remember you by.
Be patient and I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Also, please be aware that I do not text and drive, so if I am headed to see you, make sure you give me detailed information early on before I start my drive. Thank you and I appreciate your understanding and patient gentlemanly nature.